Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It has been a LONG time...

I haven't posted on here in a long time, and I have a feeling with the second baby on the way it will just get worse. I have been keeping everyone up to date on Facebook and just can't find the time to update this as well. To catch everyone up, I am due to have our second baby in March 2012 and Austin is less than thrilled so far. He says he is getting a baby sister (we won't know until Oct. 19th) but he wants a baby "brudder". He also says he is not sharing is Momma, Daddy, Nana or toys with the baby...he will learn. We have been talking to him a lot about being a big brother. He has been the baby for 3 years and isn't going to give that up without a fight it looks like. I am sure he will be upset at first but will get over it like I did. My sister and I ended up being best friends! Anyway, sorry it has been awhile. Keep up with us on Facebook though. I update that more often:)

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