Monday, September 22, 2008

Breaking wind...

Last night Keith and I were putting Little Bit in his crib for the night. After I laid him down in his sleep postioner Keith commented that it was starting to look a little tight on him. As we were discussing this Austin's legs shot straight out and pushed out the loudest fart I've ever heard! We were trying so hard not to laugh and wake him up that I started crying.


MUD said...

Where ever does he get that? No one in our family ever farts. Yeah, right, lie like a rug. Any time Dave looked like his tummy was kind of getting bigger, he would grow a half an inch the next week. Hug him for us. MUD & Bobwa

Kimmy said...

How did I not know you had a blog?? Oh my gosh that boy is sooooo cute!

Amy said...

I just made this blog a few weeks ago. Now that I am back at work I have time to do things! Isn't that backwards?!;)