Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's been awhile...

I know I have gotten REALLY bad about posting on the blog, but I just can't seem to slow down enough. I feel horrible because I know most of you only get to see us once or twice a year and this is the only way you can keep up with the Kirkland's. Well, just to give you an update Austin will see the ENT Friday morning to be evaluated for surgery in his ears. He will most likely have tubes and possibly have his anodes grinded down. I know it is a very basic procedure but it is still very nerve racking. He has literally had back to back ear infections the entire second year of his life. We are read for him to start feeling better. Still it is amazing how well he speaks for a kid with such ear problems. Just imagine what he could say if he could hear?! I am sure when we go to Kansas in June he will have plenty to say...and HOPEFULLY be using the "big boy potty" keep your fingers crossed. Here are some pictures of the little guy...


carrie said...

I can't get on FB but I can check your blog!!! Miss all of you and looking forward to June. Don't worry about Austin using the big potty. let him run around naked in the yard and he will figure it out!

Amy said...

Thanks! Miss you too. Happy Birthday!!!