Friday, March 6, 2009

We are so close to crawling!

The rug is so much more interesting than mom right now

In flight

Took a nose dive!

Okay, I think we're done


Manda said...

Ah, it's a Petty Shit fit! That's great! :) He'll get to crawling, or he'll skip it and just WALK (or if he's anything like me, he'll RUN first)!

Anonymous said...

Aunt Carrie crawled out of her baby bed around the time her older sister was getting the hang of walking. She crawled fast and climbed up everything. I would go out to hang up clothes and put them on a blanket. Janet would sit and play with toys while Carrie was crawling towards the neighbors yard. I finally got a dryer and it saved my sanity. They learn from bumps but hope they don't get any rough ones.
Love Grandma Ike

MUD said...

I have witnessed an Austin fit and he can throw one with the best of the Petty's. It was time to eat and he didn't want to wait. "Bring that damned bottle here now" was his cry and he calmed down as soon as it arrived. I would love to hold him right now. Can't wait for May. MUD

Anonymous said...

Don't pinch my baby! You would sit on the blanket just like I're sister, on the other hand, would be gone in a flash! Doesn't look like he's in too big a hurry...he's only 7 months old Mom... Have patience... Love You all TONS!!! Grandma J

Anonymous said...

From Shay: He is so cute, I can hardly stand it. He has gotten so big! We have to get the fellas together soon!