Monday, May 11, 2009

My first Mother's Day

I told Keith that all I wanted for Mother's Day was for the pool to be ready. So he and Paul cleaned it out and Matt came over just in time to "help" fill it. Let me remind you how cold water straight from the hose is;)
This is my "Baby Daddy"

Paul is wore out from cleaning the pool out Here comes Matthew This is the deep end of our pool. It's about 10', and these two yahoos are lounging in it A little cold!!!I just asked them how they were going to get out and they both laughed and said "we didn't really think about that" I wish I would have been there to see it. Apparently, it was a group effort;) Gagaw just prays that Austin isn't taking notes. Paul is taking blackmail pictures;)


Anonymous said...

Matt did clock about 2 hours on the cleaning. I think the editor in chief of this site owes him an apology.

MUD said...

Just make sure that Austin takes swimming lessons as soon as he can.
I hope you didn't pay Matt in beer for his work. I did that one time and it cost me a lot more than had I hired real help.

Amy said...

It's okay Matt and Paul are cheap dates...They drink The Beast. Plus we fed them. I do apologizes to Mattthew. I was unaware that you were out there prior to the "pool party". Thank you all for your help with my lovely Mother's Day gift. However, I will wait to use it until the water is a bit warmer;)

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify, Amy did get other gifts for Mother's Day. She got a 16 gallon Shopvac and a submersible sump pump.

Baby Daddy...

Anonymous said...

your baby daddy and the father of my future children... sometimes i wonder about the future of our children... will they turn out just like their fathers? :)

carrie said...

Ok! I've tried leaving comments for several days and they are not posting. Anyway, This was pretty funny.

Kimmy said...

Very jealous of the pool I guess I will have to come visit:) Glad you had a great day.

MUD said...

For all the family, I want you to know that Amy and Keith are the greatest people to visit. They really made me feel special. probably as special as I hold them in my thoughts. MUD
PS, Janet was a nice traveling partner.