Thursday, September 24, 2009

To have the energy of a child...

Austin can't sit still and watch his movies! He paces around the T.V, sits for a second then gets back up and plays with his toys while watching at the same time. He mostly does this when he's fighting a nap. He knows if he sits down too long he will fall asleep. I get exhausted just watching him. What I'd give to take a nap! Every few minutes he will look over at me to make sure that I am still there with him. He's a social butterfly and hates to watch movies or play alone. I know that if I get up to go do something he and Libby will be right on my heels! Oh, by the way we officially have 4 teeth and running and talking constantly! Don't know where he gets that from;)


MUD said...

That keith, such a chatterbox. Just can't help but give the kid his gift of gab. Well, OK you are it. Great post except for the shirt. Needs to update his KU shirt supply. MUD

Amy said...

I know, he's out grown all of his KU stuff and they don't sell it down here!

carrie said...

I'm with Denny and the need for a KU shirt. Although, I'm kind of mad at the KU athletes. They are a bunch of babies!

Anonymous said...

He does need a shirt to eat in.

Clothes Monitor

Anonymous said...

He can eat in that silly Auburn shirt...I will bring reenforcements in November;)
Love You
Grandma J

Amy said...

Yeah Grandma J!!!

Kimmy said...

Love the pictures and at least the shirt is blue:)