Thursday, April 9, 2009

May never crawl

I don't know if you can really tell by this picture, but Austin can pull up on the coffee table and stand. He needs a little guidance if he wants to walk around it. I think he may skip the whole crawling thing all together.


Anonymous said...

Don't rely on not crawling. Aunt Carrie crawled 90 miles an hour.
Then she climbed and ran everywhere. Your mother depended on being carried until she finally walked about 13 months old.
He almost looks like he will take off soon.
Love, Grandma Ike

Manda said...

or, he could be like me and crawl for a moment then just START RUNNING!!! I wouldn't be surprised if he TOTALLY just started walking instead of crawling (which is definately over rated!)

MUD said...

What ever he does, he will have fun doing it. When will you get to Kansas on your trip? MUD

Amy said...

We should be in Kansas On Sunday