Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Worst Allergy season in years

On the news this morning they said we are in the midst of the wort allergy season they've seen in years. We bathed Libby and Austin last night, cleaned out the humidifier, Benadryld, cleaned the nose, Vick's vapor rubbed and used nose drops. Finally slept past mid-night! He woke up around 2am but feel right back to sleep and then again at 4am. We are making progress;) Amazingly enough still no ear infections (knocking on wood right now) We go to the Dr next Thur. for our 9 month check-up and I will ask about allergy medicines. I can't imagine the parents that went through the no-sleeping every night for the entire first year! Keith and I are barely making 2 weeks. Props to you mom's and dad's out there!


MUD said...

There was an ad for a anti allergy medication that is applied to the outside of the nose. It is supposed to help catture the pollen. Barb read the pollen count here and it is also off the chart. She said that the Hickory count was low. I told her that living right in the middle of a hickory grove probably drives that count higher. Keep faith it will get better. MUD

Anonymous said...

I hope the pollen season ends soon. I really don't want to keep using kleenex all day long and wake up with my eyes glued shut. He looks miserable but still very cute. Can't wait to see you. Love Grandma Ike