Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Best Friends

Libby Lou and Austin have become each others shadows. It works out great because Libby still follows me into every room...and not far behind Austin is in tow. When I have to go to the bathroom they have a bit of a melt down but get over it rather quickly. I really have to worry when they both get quiet though. The other day they were in the living room playing and all of the sudden...silence! I ran in there to find Libby had one of Austin's toys in her mouth and Austin had Libby's bone in his mouth! I grabbed the bone from Austin. He just looked at me and then went over to Libby and like he was saying "deals off" he took his toy from her. Austin has learned mostly by default that the bones are for Libby. Last night he picked up he bone and offered it to her. Since she wasn't interested he decided "well, if she doesn't want it then I can have it"...wrong again son. Little stinker.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If dog bones ever made a kid sick then almost every little kid that eats his sandwich or hot dog after his pet took a bite then very many kids would have been spending a lot of time at the doctors office.
Try not to let him choke on it.
Love Grandma Ike