Monday, December 7, 2009

Putting up the tree

Look at all of those presents! Rotten to the core;)So excited! Must do the Happy Dance!
Spotted a car ornament
Oh Christmas Tree


Anonymous said...

I hope you have a very happy holiday. We will all be together the weekend of the 19th & 20th.
Petty Christmas on Saturday and Ikenberry gathering on Sunday. I am looking forward to all the festivities.
Love Grandma Ike

Amy said...

Thank you for the ornaments! Austin had fun playing with them;) Thank you Carrie, Manda and Denny&Barb for the KU gear! He needed some red and blue for March Madness! We have put the orange and blue up until next football season. Grandma, tell everyone Merry Christmas for us and we love you and miss you!!!