Friday, April 3, 2009

It's been crazy around here!

Sorry I haven't put a post up in a while. It has been so busy around here lately! Between work and home projects I just haven't had the time. We had month end and audits at the office. Not to mention I work in the golf industry, and guess what season it is;) Austin is moving around. I wouldn't necessarily call it a crawl, but more of a army crawl. He is still more interested in walking. Still no teeth! Drools profusely and I can tell his gums are bothering him some days. He is definitely the squirmiest child I've ever known. One minute your holding him and the next minute he is plunging towards something. Good thing for him that motherhood has given me quicker reflexes and a death grip! I hope everyone is doing well. We are great here and can't wait for pool weather!


MUD said...

The Army calls it a low crawl.You have more of you in contact with the ground so whatever sticks up doesn't stick up much. I guess if people are shooting at you you really don't want your butt up in the line of fire. I guess time is going so slow here that I had the misstaken impression it was the same for you. Yes, those pesky golfers do want to get out and work on their handicap, you know, the one other than their IQ. After having been a caddy for three or four years as a teenager, I agree with Mark Twain when he said, "Golf is a good walk spoiled". MUD

Mz. Virginia said...

Mz. V says that baby is growing like a weed and will be probably be walking by the time she sees him in May =)
She says her brother walked when he was 9 months old.

carrie said...

It looks real comfortable sprawled out on you! I'm going to lay on the sofa all night and watch chick flicks by myself(that's what Dan says any way). I had a D&C this morning and thought I was going to milk it for all it was worth, but really, I feel great. I saw dust up above the kitchen cabinets and climbed up there to clean it. It occurred to me that if I fall, I will get no sympathy so I came down and will tackle that another day. Fred is turning 85 and we will be having a party on Sunday. Have a great weekend!