My little water baby He never wants to get out! As soon as I start to drain the tub he makes this face...
But, he gets over it quickly because now it's time to eat!
It is not fair to ask of others what you are unwilling to do yourself. Eleanor Roosevelt
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it is because we destroyed ourselves.
Abraham Lincoln
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them. Ronald Reagan
Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country. Franklin D. Roosevelt
Bath time was always Austins favorite, Andrew not so much. I have a picture of Andrew that I came across last night getting a bath in the kitchen sink I will have to post it, brings back great memories.
Look at my lil' buddy in that tub!!! I LOVE these pics, sis! I show everyone at work everytime you post more! The are just tickled by him (as am I). Now, whenever they see me looking at your blog, they crowd around and say "AWE, is that HIM?" Can't wait to see and hold him finally!!!
You will have to go see Manda at work.
I can't believe he is 8 1/2 mo old already. Has he daid daddy yet?
Love Grandma Ike
Not yet. Just "Mamamama..."
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