Thursday, October 30, 2008

Family photo

I have had people request pictures of me. (not sure why; I look like a hot mess!) I have been avoiding the camera like the plague! I would like to loose some of my baby fat first, but since you guys insist here is a pic with me in it. Hope this will hold you all over for awhile;)


MUD said...

How could any picture of you three be anything but great. Keep up the great pictures. MUD

Anonymous said...

I love to see you all. The Kirkland men are like the Ikenberry men. The last three generations are so alike.
What fun.
Love Grandma Ike

*Melanie* said...

Amy you are gorgeous! And your entire family is beautiful.

Manda said...

Not cute at all! :P I'm going to have to come down there some time and participate in that cuteness! Miss you guys!

*Melanie* said...

Nobody is stalking me at all, I just had to put that on there to make a point. I know my ex and his parents still look at my blog, as well as some other people that I don't like very much lol, but I just put that on there to warm then that I know what they are doing?
You sound like me too. You can totally tell we are related. To me family comes first no matter what!! LOL