Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Goof Ball

Our child is such a goof ball! His new favorite game is to have a face making contest with mommy. I'll make a face and a noise then he will try to out do me with an even funnier face and noise. He usually wins but on occasion I think he lets me win. He is starting to understand words too. If we say bear he looks at his bears, if we say bottle he gets excited and kicks his feet. He hasn't said any real words yet but he does have very serious conversations with us in his own language, and he expects you to pay attention! So far he has lots to say. I think he may get that from me;)


carrie said...

You are having so much fun with Austin. It is great to see parents really enjoying parenthood! I know it can be tough at times but life is too short not to laugh everyday!

Jenn said...

He must get that from his dad...cause, you Petty's are all about the serious...:-)