Thursday, November 13, 2008

We're ahead of the crowd...

Our book that tells us what he will "start" doing at 15 weeks says he should now start kicking his feet a lot (been doing that for months), he should start looking around and turning his head (was doing that in the hospital. The nurses were amazed!), should start recognizing people (he knows when Uncle Kevin enters the room or Aunt Lori's voice) and he should start trying to roll over. We have been doing these things for month's so I am convinced we have a child prodigy on our hands! ;) We are getting very excited about Thanksgiving! We are going to have mom and uncle Denny over along with Keith's family. I can't wait to see them and enjoy great food at the same time. Time to break out the famous Thanksgiving sweat pants again!


MUD said...

I hope you know that you have made your child a star in the family. He could be normal and be a hit. The fact that he is so cool just adds to his appeal. I hope that I can be his friend and that he won't learn all the bad things I have to teach. I have been known to keep a 1 year old amused for at least three minutes. MUD

Amy said...

He will love you! He loves to have deep conversations and play silly games. You two will get along great;)