Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The things our family teaches us

I have been thinking about family a lot lately. I guess between starting my own and the holidays lurking it is inevitable. I have been thinking about the things I want to teach my children and niece's and nephews and someday their kids. That made me think about what I have learned from my family.

The Women (just to name a few)
Grandma Petty=kindness. She was kind to people that I would have struggled with
Grandma Ikenberry=honesty. She always speaks the truth in a way that's true to herself
Mom=hard work and perseverance. She has the best work ethic of anyone I have ever met. She always does everything 110%
Aunt Carrie=ambition. She has shown me that I could have anything I wanted if I put my mind to it
Manda=friendship. She always will be my first best friend. She knows more about my laughter and tears than anyone else
Andria=laughter. Although my time with her was short the fun and games we shared as children will be with me always. She was also the first loss I had ever had. I am still learning forgiveness

The Men (my father's)
Grandpa Petty= physics. he always told me when I stood between him and the TV that I made a better door than I did a window;) he was right
Papa Ray=aspiration. He has always been so supportive of me and made me feel like I could do anything
Uncle Dan=dependability. He was always there whether it be advice, life lesson or to dress up in a red suit and walk up a steep hill so that I could meet Santa Claus
Uncle Denny=honor. He taught me about fighting for something I believe in


Anonymous said...

Oh boy! I love you so much it hurts. Always be true to yourself and keep on believeing in the truth of life. It sometimes hurts to be a woman in this world but it is always worth it to be a good mother and wife.
Love, Grandma Ike

carrie said...

I had to laugh at Grandpa Pettys physics lesson! That was said to everyone who stood in front of the TV. I also agree that Janet is the hardest worker I know. She will give of herself and dig holes in your yard until it is to dark to see what you are planting!

Jenn said...

Grandpa Petty told me the same thing!
I just wasn't smart enough to know it was physics.
love ya!

Kimmy said...

We have such a great family! I agree with Grandma Petty I think that trait was passed to my mother also and I wish I had gotten a little more of it.

MUD said...

Great Words. Please add to your list:
Uncle Rick - When you don't like where you are, go back to school and get an education. Then buy one of those gay cars.
Cousin Jenn - Row, ride and love.
Aunt Carol - Keep singing and help the rest of the world love music as much as most of us do.
Aunt Barb - Stay one of the family and keep taking pictures of all of us.
I'm sure that there are kind words out there for the rest of the family.

Amy said...

I know, I could have gone on forever because I have learned a great bit from every single one of you! I miss you all so much and will do my best to take the pieces I have of all of you and instill them in my children.

MUD said...

Do you know something you aren't telling? Child or Children? Or, is this a future prediction. Either way, we love you and know that you and Keith are great parents. MUD

Amy said...

Only the one for now, but I do plan on having another in a couple of years.

*Melanie* said...

I am still working on forgiveness also. Its harder than I ever imagined. I sometimes wonder if I will ever forgive. Is it ok not to forgive something like that?

Amy said...

I hope so because I don't think I can either. I think she would want me to so I have tried, but it took me a few years just to stop being angry at God. Lucky for us He is a little better at forgiveness than I am!