Friday, December 26, 2008

Baby's first Christmas...

I think the sports car walker from Santa was a big hit!
Austin got Daddy some house shoes. They both were very excited about it!
The best gift I've ever received...
Austin really racked up. Although, I think he was more excited about the wrapping paper;)
Libby got a stocking too...
Things to chew on from Mommy for Libby and Austin.
the Hot Rod...

A wink from Santa...
We may have a future Mozart...
Everyone crashed...

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We love you.


MUD said...

And what did you get? I know that Austin and Keith are fine things to have but did you score some neat gifts? I got socks, a couple of long sleeved shirts and a book. Great Haul. Love your pictures. Must have been at work this AM? I do miss your blogs when it is a weekend or holiday. MUD

Anonymous said...

I have never ever seen such a walker. Does it have a steering wheel? Can the wheels go in any direction? It looks so big. I hope he doesn't ram the furniture with his car. Looks like a busy full day for the boys. How about mom?
Take care, love Grandma Ike

Amy said...

I got an IPOD to listen to music while I run, and a watch and some movies, candles and faucets for the master bath. I have been VERY blessed this year. The greatest birthday gift and wonderful Christmas gifts. Austin's walker does have a steering wheel and it's plastic so it can't do too much damage. I have come to terms with the fact that he will do some damage to the house;) the boys all got naps so Daddy took over the night bottle so Mommy could go to sleep.

Kimmy said...

Great pics I love the car! Glad you had a great day we did as well, Andrew got his electric guitar I will be posting his first music video soon. Love ya

Ericka said...

I really enjoyed our visit and kissing those sweet, chubby cheeks. He is just an angel. I just love my picture. Thank you. Ericka.