Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Libby Dog

This morning when I was trying to get Austin ready and out the door I put a loaf of bread on the bench in the foyer so not to forget to take it to work. I came down with the little man to find only a little piece of a bag that resembled that of my loaf of bread. I looked over and saw Libby licking her chops. I scolded her and Austin started to clap and laugh. He thinks it's funny when it's someone else in trouble;) We'll see how funny it is when it's him getting scolded one day. Austin has his 4 month appointment tomorrow and will have to get 5 shots! He won't be clapping and laughing about that. I am taking the day off so I can comfort him and watch for any fevers. I will give everyone the update on what the Doc says.


Anonymous said...

You didn't say what kind of bread. Hope it won't make Libby sick all over the house. She has always been sort of a pig dog, right? Today grandpa Ike hung deer ribs from a tree because we had some in the garage from Alan's deer last week. He read in Birds and Blooms on line to hang the ribs on a rope so that the Pilated and other woodpeckers would come and chew on the suet. We will see. I hope he has it pulled up high enough so the coyotes and other wild stuff stay off of the rib cage. It will be fun to watch and see what happens.
Hope you have a good day tomorrow.
Kisses and hugs to you and Austin.
Love Grandma Ike

MUD said...

After watching the snooze fest between Auburn and Alabama doesn't the little guy have anything better to wear? After eating some of that home baked bread, I can't say that I blame Libby for wanting in on the action.
I am having some problems with my computer wanting to not make a CD. The software I had wounded the computer when I reloaded it. The Windows software wants to make DVD's only. I am working on it.
Kiss the babe for me. MUD