Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cold weather

It's now cold in the mornings and Keith and I love to snuggle up to Austin. He is such a good cuddler! I just hate to leave him to go to work:( I am going to do my best to get a Christmas card out to everyone this year. I will need everyones updated address if you want a card. I know it's a little early to be thinking about Christmas but they are already playing the music and hanging the decorations! I love Chirstmas but I wish they'd let me get through one holiday before shoving another one down my throat. I am still trying to prepare for Thanksgiving and recover from Halloween!


Anonymous said...

I guess the pool is shut down as well. We will miss you this holiday season. Maybe a trip to Kansas around Memorial day? We always used to go to the lake that weekend.Boat, Ski, and Eat.
Love Grandma Ike

Amy said...

Yes, Keith and I want to come up there after the holidays. We are not sure when that will be but we do plan on coming in 2009. We will have a pool party for Austin's first birthday. He takes those swim float classes in Feb. so I am hoping he will be comfortable in the water. I have the cutest baby floats and swim trunks for him!