Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Eye doctor

Our pediatrician was a little concerned of a lazy eye. We went to the eye doctor yesterday to make sure that his vision is normal and the muscles behind them are developing at the same rate. The eye doctor said his eyes are perfect! They had to dilate his eyes and try to hold him still while performing the eye exam. Needless to say it made for a long and stressful day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you took him to the eye doctor. Lazy eye runs in the petty side of the family. No one discovered my lazy eye until I tried to get a drivers liscense and it was discovered that I had not used my right eye very much and it was very near sighted.Cousin Linda Gail had the condition as well. Now surgery is sometimes required. I wore glasses with one eye covered to strengthen the muscle but stil would get the one eye drifting to the middle when I was tired. Most of my school pictures show one eye looking left and one straight ahead. Couldn't catch a ball worth a xxxx.
Love Grandma Myrna