Wednesday, February 11, 2009

He's starting to get too heavy for this...

He is a good replacement for lifting weights. He was in such a good mood last night that we played instead of doing things that needed to be done like clean the kitchen, laundry, taxes you know boring adult stuff.


Jenn said...

In your post on Monday I was struck by how much Austin looks like you and in these pictures he looks like Daddy. It's cool...we can see both of you in him.
Don't worry about the adult stuff. Play as much as you can. He doesn't care if the dishes are done. (do the taxes when he's asleep)
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Wait until the chase begins, more exercise. HE looks like such a fun little guy to have around.
Love Grandma Ike

MUD said...

Be thankful that he can't run free if you have your taxes spread out on the tale like I do. I spend a couple of months looking for deductions and because I have to pay I don't file until much later. MUCH, MUCH later. I there any talk about tax credits in the Porkulus Bill? MUD