Friday, January 16, 2009

The last speech

Austin and I watched President GW Bush address the nation one last time. I explained to him the first time he addressed the nation as president was 9/11. The first large attack on US soil since Pearl Harbour. I told him that the next time the nation is addressed we will witness the first half African American president(Most people just call him African American but his mama was white). I told him that I hope this man can do half of what he said he would. I hope that he is for the right change and not just any change, and I hope that he will hold this title with integrety and please, please, please avoid scandal and keep it in your pants. I don't think that is asking too much. Austin won't remember any of this but he will be effected by it. I wish W farewell and good luck in life and Obama hello and do your best to get this country back on track.


MUD said...

Well said. Austin will be the recipient of the new debt being added and unless the Democratically controlled congress closes the loop holes they opened, he will be the one to pay the new debts. I am of the oppinion we can't afford to fail as a country but I'm not holding my breath that the holdovers from the Clinto years know how to do the things you wish for. Pray for Obama and hope to god that nothing happens to him. God forbid that that dufus Obiden is the President. He doesn't even know how to tell lies that are remotely believable. MUD

Manda said...

Obama WILL be the most hunted president of the U.S. in history, so we want all the Security we can get!!! I don't want Biden either!!! Obama can't DO all the things he said, but he CAN get the ball rolling (face it, 4-8 years just isn't enough time for all of it)...let's just hope he does that. And, like sis said, keep it in his pants!

MUD said...

I think having Michelle's mother there in the White House will help him keep a stiff upper lip in the oval office. No telling what he will do on the road but... MUD