Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Much better

Thanks everyone! The A&D cream seems to be making it better! I hope everyone in the ice is okay. Everyone stay warm and safe! We love you.

1 comment:

MUD said...

I swear that A & D ointment is almost as good as Bag Balm and smells a lot better. If your dry hands are really getting torn up next spring when you guys start the landscaping go to the tractor supply store and look for the Bag Balm dairy farmers use to treat chapped udders on their cows. Slather up your hands and put on a pair of leather gloves. It will do your gloves as much good as it does your hands. For delicate places I use the A & D Ointment and it seems to last for years in drawer in the bathroom. No ice here, only a light spitting snow.