Austin is rolling all over now! Once he figured it out he went with it. He still shows more interest in walking than crawling. Either way when we come in May he will be mobile so be ready;) Had to go to the doctor yesterday. Keith and I had to work so Gagaw and Aunt Lolo took him. The nurse asked "what's a gagaw and a lolo?" :) He has Eczema but the doctor said it's very common in babies and should go away. It's just a dry rash on his back and tummy. It doesn't seem to bother him at all. He was in such a good mood at the doctor that the doctor and nurses had to play with him. They also weighed him at 16lbs10oz! Man, he is getting too big for his britches...literally!

He is so dang cute!!!
Beck is up early. One old pediatrition used to smear all his new borns in olive oil. Didn't smell to good but they had pretty skin.Had to put a lot of vasiline on your mother.He will be crawling up on things next.
Love Grandma Ike
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